Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)

Genre: Horror

Running Time: 91 min

Plot: The prequel to the original film about Katie's sister and her family. After what they think is a robbery, they install security cameras that happen to capture paranormal activity in their house. The family includes a mother, father, teenage daughter, infant boy, and their pet German Sheppard. The original couple of Katie and Micah also make appearances giving explanation and set-up for the first chapter. The "demon" makes its presence know as soon as baby Hunter is born, and will not stop until the baby is taken.

Review: First... do not watch this if you haven't seen the original. You will not appreciate what this movie does and how it makes lost connections with the first chapter.

The movie really begins when the family installs a security system after a "robbery" but was more likely the demon that posses the house. I feel like this movie idea was more realistic when a family is involved instead of a couple for multiple reasons. The interactions between family members is what I imagine would happen because I have had conversations with my family about weird things that happen around the house. Most of my family believes in ideas like this and that's why I am a big fan of these movies.

Just like the first addition of Paranormal Activity, the majority of the movie is non-climatic but like most really effective horror films... it's the sounds and progression of activity that builds suspense and has you at the edge of your seat. I kept waiting for something to happen and most of the time there was nothing. Then when you expect not much to happen, subtle movements and noises start to scare you.

With most movies especially horror films, they are always better if you go with the right audience. I went to go see Paranormal Activity 2 with my sister who believes that she has a spirit who follows her, so when we were in the movie it seemed more realistic and suspenseful.

Overall, I loved this movie (even more than the original) and would recommend it to anyone who wants to see what's like not having a good night sleep because you start thinking that every little sound and movement is a demon and it's about to kill you.

Quote you might say after watching this: "Want to have a pajama party because I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight?"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 8.5/10 bottles

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