Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Devil (2010)

Genre: Horror

Running Time: 80 min

Plot: A group of strangers all meet up in an elevator to go on with their day when all Hell breaks loose. The elevator breaks down and every so often the lights flicker and fade out... when the power comes back on there are more and more devious acts that occur. Is this group of strangers really strangers or were they pre-destined to all be in this elevator at the same time.

Review: This is my first response when I heard about this movie, "Great... Another good idea for a movie that M. Night Shyamalan can ruin." Do I really want to take the chance on Devil? Will it be more like M.Night's better movies like Sixth Sense and Unbreakable or like his disastrous movies like The Happening and The Village?

Surprisingly, I would classify Devil with Night's better movies... (Gasp here) He finally was able to re-capture suspense like he did in the Sixth Sense. It was about the noises, lighting, and subtle details that ingage you throughout the movie. A very simple plot of a group of strangers on a elevator that breaks down and people start dying.

The best part about Shyamalan's movies are trying to figure out the plot twist before it happens which is extremely easy with most of his movies, but Devil is a bit more difficult to figure out. You start out with wondering if one of these people are possessed by the devil or if there is something else present. Are these people really strangers or do they have something in common? Everything is slowly revealed with some shock and awe and there is one plot twist I really wanted to see but didn't happen... I wanted the creepy/goofy kid to start licking the wall trying to taste Snozzberries.

I was very entertained by Devil and it had my brain going non-stop trying to figure out the movie before it ended. I was able to figure out who the Devil was after a lot of second guessing but was totally surprised by the main plot twist towards the end with the last "I'm so sorry" connection. It's a very good horror/thriller to watch this year during Halloween time!

Quote you might say after watching this: "Do snozzberries taste like snozzberries in Hell?"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 7/10 bottles

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