Genre: Action & Drama
Running Time: 117 min
Plot: Liam Neeson is a hired gun to help protect oil workers in Alaska from Wolves and other wildlife. A plane full of workers traveling to a larger city malfunctions and crashes and leaves a small group of survivors in the Alaskan wilderness. Karma kicks in and the survivors "try" to fend off a pack of blood lusting wolves.
Review: Ever since Liam Neeson was in "Taken" the word is obsessed with this mid-aged badassness. I have to agree because lets face it, he is epic in all of his films. "The Grey" hooked me from the trailer with the scene where it looks like Neeson straps on broken glass and is going to box a wolf. What can be more entertaining than a man boxing a wolf..... surprisingly this movie topped my expectations.
The wolves are gigantic and vicious, and leads me to believe that they were a pack of "Dire Wolves" from classic RPGs. You can't help to feel sorrow for the men in the movie because they don't have a damn prayer to survive the onslaught. Can you imagine surviving a terrible plane crash only to be mauled to death... that's a horrible day. I was on the edge of my seat groaning and laughing at the fact that these wolves make men look like cattle. The scene where they jump across a ravine to trees is epic and gave me slight memories of "Cliffhanger" or "Vertical Limit." It's a slower pace action movie that has flashbacks to set up character development, so if you want a balls to the wall action, this is not for you.
Quote you might say after watching this: "Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day."
Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 8/10 bottles
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