Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Social Network (2010)

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 121 min

Plot: The story behind the founders of Facebook and the lawsuits that were filed after its tremendous success.

Review: Do you remember the good ol' times when Facebook was "The Facebook?" I'm pretty sure I only went to college to get an university email address so I could create a Facebook account. I can't even explain how much I hate the new Facebook because it lost all of it's luster and added pointless brainwashing applications. Yes, I still have an account but most days I wonder why...

Mark Zuckerberg, the mastermind behind Facebook is truly a interesting person, and Jesse Eisenberg did a great job. I love how he did some of the things he did (Facematch) just because he could. Most of the relationships that he has are very awkward and hilarious and I can only hope that they were not made up just for the movie. He is by far the best character in the entire movie with a supporting cast of people who are good at complaining.

As the movie was progressing, I discovered why I don't like Facebook anymore... and it was when Sean Parker, the creator of Napster weaseled his way into the company. Yes, he helped Facebook explode into the global phenomenon, but in lost it's core principles it had when it was created.

It is a great movie to watch no matter what your views are on the most popular social network. By the end of the movie you kind of feel bad for Zuckerberg, then you realize that the money he lost in the lawsuits didn't even make a dent in his bank account...

Quote you might say after watching this: "I wonder how many people updated their Facebook Status while they were watching The Social Network?"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 9/10 bottles

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