Sunday, November 21, 2010

Due Date (2010)

Genre: Comedy

Running Time: 90 min

Plot: After being kicked off a plane and placed on the "No-Fly" list, Downey hitches a ride cross country with one of the most annoying people in the world: Galifianakis.

Review: Due Date is the follow up movie that was over-hyped because of the success of The Hangover. Todd Phillips is hit or miss to the nth degree for me. Some movies are fantastic like The Hangover, Old School, and Road Trip; however, Due Date and School for Scoundrels almost ruin everything.

Phillips fell for the same mistake he made with School for Scoundrels, and that was casting someone who had tremendous success with a overrated comedian who is only funny in small doses. Galifianakis is great in smaller roles like The Hangover and Out Cold, but his excessive ignorant humor is plain annoying when the movie uses it in almost every scene. Yes, there are a lot of great scenes in Due Date but they are over shadowed by the overacting of Galifianakis.

Even though Phillips made a big mistake with one of his lead roles, his other headliner (Downey) was at the top of his game and makes the movie worth watching. All of the humorous scenes in Due Date except for a few are credited to Downey's acting and sharp tongue. I would definitely recommend this to people if they are fans of Downey Jr. but never pay more than a few dollars to see this.

Quote you might say after watching this: "Why didn't Downey Jr. just leave Galifianakis at the rest stop and save us from the rest of the movie?"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 6/10 bottles

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