Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ken Burns' Baseball

Genre: Documentary

Running Time: 1,140 min

Plot: The chronicle of the history of baseball from the beginning to the early 1990's.

Review: Most people now a days don't understand why baseball is considered America's pastime, and Ken Burns displays why this sport is so important in our culture. This documentary allows you to travel through the history of America's sport and how it affected the nation.

Most people consider Football to be America's sport now, and it's true to a certain point, but Baseball has the history and beauty that will last forever. It's a great series and is a must watch if you are a sports fan and love America.

Quote you might say after watching this: "I can't believe I just watched over 1,000 minutes dedicated to baseball!"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 10/10 bottles

Ken Burns' The Civil War (1990)

Genre: Documentary

Running Time: 680 min

Plot: The chronicle of the most disastrous war in the United States History.

Review: This was made for T.V. and is over four hours long, but entirely worth watching. Ken Burns did a wonderful job as a neutral filmmaker showing the perspective and emotions from both the North and South. Instead of filming corny reenactments like a bad Halloween party, Burns put together wonder narratives and real photos describing the lives of real soldiers. If you are a fan of history or war, this is one of the best documentaries ever made.

Quote you might say after watching this: "I wish I knew this existed while I had to write all of my Civil War papers while I was in school."

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 10/10 bottles

Chronicle (2012)

Genre: Action

Running Time: 83 min

Plot: Highschoolers don't mind their own business and snoop in places they shouldn't go. Three teens find a crevasse and explore inside and find a mysterious meteor/orb that grants them powers equal to "Phoenix" in X-men.

The movie focuses around a bullied teen with his new friends and their superhuman telekinetic powers. Just like other bullied teens, when they get the power to fight back, shit hits the fan and people start dying.

Review: My first thought was that this was going to be a combination of "The Covenant" and "Cloverfield." I was very close to my hunch, but was shockingly really well made. The story might not be super original but was entertaining through out the entire movie. I think everyone wonders what they would do if you could control objects with their mind and dream to be a superhero.

The movie is hilarious because all of the stunts and pranks they do with their powers. The teddybear scene telling the young girl to stay in school makes the movie worth watching. The movie gains intensity due to the violence of the young Leonardo DiCaprio characters' father and school jackasses. The young male form of Jean Grey gets overwhelmed and his emotions take over and he transforms into the Dark Phoenix which causes death and destruction in Seattle. There is great tension between the three young super heroes and the climax is an epic superman battle that reminds me of "Hancock" but more intense. Overall, it's a great movie to watch if you are a superhero fan, or want to see a creative reason why you should never mess with the weird kid in school.

Quote you might say after watching this: "I want to be a superhero! If Leo can do it, so can I!"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 8.5/10 bottles

The Grey (2012)

Genre: Action & Drama

Running Time: 117 min

Plot: Liam Neeson is a hired gun to help protect oil workers in Alaska from Wolves and other wildlife. A plane full of workers traveling to a larger city malfunctions and crashes and leaves a small group of survivors in the Alaskan wilderness. Karma kicks in and the survivors "try" to fend off a pack of blood lusting wolves.

Review: Ever since Liam Neeson was in "Taken" the word is obsessed with this mid-aged badassness. I have to agree because lets face it, he is epic in all of his films. "The Grey" hooked me from the trailer with the scene where it looks like Neeson straps on broken glass and is going to box a wolf. What can be more entertaining than a man boxing a wolf..... surprisingly this movie topped my expectations.

The wolves are gigantic and vicious, and leads me to believe that they were a pack of "Dire Wolves" from classic RPGs. You can't help to feel sorrow for the men in the movie because they don't have a damn prayer to survive the onslaught. Can you imagine surviving a terrible plane crash only to be mauled to death... that's a horrible day. I was on the edge of my seat groaning and laughing at the fact that these wolves make men look like cattle. The scene where they jump across a ravine to trees is epic and gave me slight memories of "Cliffhanger" or "Vertical Limit." It's a slower pace action movie that has flashbacks to set up character development, so if you want a balls to the wall action, this is not for you.

Quote you might say after watching this: "Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day."

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 8/10 bottles

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (1977)

Genre: Musical

Running Time: 48 min

Plot: A poor otter family risks everything they own to enter and win the prize money of a talent contest in the next town over.

Review: I'm pretty sure that most people have never heard of Emmet Otter and it's a shame. The Jug-Band Christmas is a Christmas classic and everyone should know what it is. My family has been watching this for as long as I can remember going back to the early 1990s. It is not Christmas without watching Emmet.

The movie itself was amazing back in the 1970s when it was made, but if you watch it now you will just laugh at how bad the puppeteering is. You will smile through out the entire movie and start repeating a lot of the classic dialogue. You will recognize a lot of the voices because it is a Jim Henson movie and a lot of the voices of the Muppets are in the film.

The set is amazing because everything is hand-built and the detailing is some of the best I have ever seen on a landscape model. Everyone should see this movie at least once because Emmet Otter should be a tradition in every family.

Quote you might say after watching this: "I'm not hungry.... I'm HHHUUUNNNGGGRRRYYY!"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 8/10 bottles

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Black Swan (2010)

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 108 min

Plot: A New York City ballet company wants to reinvent itself with a new adaptation of Swan Lake. Portman wins the starring role of the Swan Queen and quickly unravels with all the pressure of being the face of one of the most prestigious ballet companies.

Review: Have you ever wondered what it would feel like going through a nervous breakdown and on the edge of psychosis? Black Swan delivers this feeling to the audience as they sit back and enjoy a truly unique story.

You might wonder what actually happens in the movie and you realize that you are in the same boat as Portman's character. You think one thing happens, but it turns out to be a fantasy or a mind trick she plays on herself. The intensity builds and builds and explodes in chaotic beauty during the final performance.

I have never felt the way that I did after the film ended, and I'm guessing the entire movie theatre felt the same way because it was completely silent. After a few seconds to process what just happened you can hear a stir of echos of cheering mixed with confused comments. Black Swan is one of the darkest movies I've seen and it is not meant for everyone. If you are curious about what movies should do to audiences, Black Swan is a perfect example to get people talking and is now one of my favorites.

Quote you might say after watching this: "What just happened? I will never mess with a ballet dancer again."

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 10/10 bottles

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (2008)

Genre: Musical

Running Time: 45 min

Plot: An up-and-coming supervillan named Dr. Horrible, video blogs about his struggles of balancing his evil career and his pursuit of a young woman he has a crush on.

Review: Dr. Horrible is actually a three part Internet special, but when you watch all three acts together it's more of a musical short film masterpiece. My best friend introduced Dr. Horrible to me on Netflix, and as a big fan of musicals and superheros, it was the perfect short movie someone can make.

Neil Patrick Harris is the perfect cast for Dr. Horrible and the short film wouldn't work without him. All of the songs are very entertaining and you will find yourself tapping your feet along with the beat. The screenplay is creative and will have you laughing out loud through most the movie as you sympathize with Dr. Horrible.

Even though Dr. Horrible is the star, Captain Hammer throws in his cocky ego and adds to the pure amazingness. The best aspect of the film is that it was low budget and seems like a side project that a music/comic book geek did for a senior project at college.

Quote you might say after watching this: "Does anyone else want to start a sing-along blog?"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 10/10 bottles

Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)

Genre: Musical

Running Time: 98 min

Plot: After a world-wide epidemic GeneCo builds the technology for replacement organs. GeneCo finances these organs at a high price: if you don't make a repayment, they will send a Repo Man to get their property back. Oh... and it's a Rock Opera!

Review: This is an instant cult classic! I would even say that it is this generation's Rocky Horror. It is an off the wall rock opera that is entertaining from start to finish. It is a strange feeling to be happy and rocking out out to people getting killed over financed organs which seems all to possible in the near future.

The music is high quality and the characters are all interesting making everything blend into one of my favorite musicals. This a great movie to watch on any occasion unless you or someone you know just got an organ transplant.

Repo! is an original idea and a great movie to introduce to all of your friends. Who knows... maybe you will even dress up like the characters and go see it at a mid-night movie house. If you like musicals like Rocky Horror, I would definitely recommend Repo! The Genetic Opera.

Quote you might say after watching this: "I can't believe I liked a movie with Paris Hilton in it."

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 9/10 bottles