Genre: Thriller
Running Time: 94 min
Plot: An army of unknown extraterrestrials wreak havoc on the human race and harvest their brains. Powerful blue lights paralyze and force humans up into the foreign spacecraft.
Review: Did anyone else think Michael Bay directed this when the trailers came out? Come on... the first thing I said was, "It looks like Michael Bay is remaking Independence Day." Strange enough that after I watched the film; I was even more convinced that he was a part of it and was uncredited. Average thriller/horror with fake drama, average acting, average plot, used all the films budget on special effects sums up to be most Michael Bay movies.
I went to see this for two reasons: the special effects looked good and Turk was in it. There were two good reviews after watching the movie: the special effects were great and Turk was in it.
Skyline is a lot of fun to watch for a boring night and you want to play board games and have noise in the background. If you want to see a better made action/horror/thriller with extraterrestrials, I would watch Cloverfield, District 9, or even Starship Troopers.
Quote you might say after watching this: "At least Skyline isn't the worst movie that I've seen."
Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating: 5.5/10 bottles
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