Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

Genre: Comedy

Running Time:
112 min

The classic story of an overly skinny young adult male who overcomes obstacles to try and win the love of a rebellious young woman..... except that the obstacles are seven evil-superhuman ex-boyfriends and not something lame like a lack of self-esteem.

Wait.... Michael Cera is starring as geeky young boy who tries to score with a relatively good looking alternative girl.... How can the same movie still be entertaining to watch? Easy, you inject this redundant story into a world of comic books that has a three-way with steroids, ecstasy, and Coke Zero. The tagline says it perfectly: "An Epic of Epic Epicness."

I can't describe how happy I was while watching Scott's adventures scene-by-scene. Maybe it was the company that was with me during the movie that made me so giddy, but I'm pretty sure it was the pure 100% portrait of what every geek at heart imagines.

This movie embodies everything a cinematic adventure strives for.... entertainment value. Yes, the movie according to a snobby stuck-up critic, would be classified as a brainless movie that has no value, but they can go (fill in the blank).

Quote you might say after watching this:
"Thank you for making a movie about one of my dreams that I had when I was sleep deprived!"

Bottled Youth Movie Review Rating:
9.5/10 bottles

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